Tower Defense: Gateway Wiki

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the strategy in the time of where every tower was able to be used and doesn't need money to unlock it


  1. choose the Grasslands map (doesn't matter if you choose the other map but Grasslands is a better option)
  2. place a cannoneer inside of a 1 block U path
  3. get a solar panel
  4. upgrade the solar panel and get more until wave 4
  5. max out the cannoneer to spawn kill the enemies
  6. keep placing more solar panels and only upgrade them to lvl 2 until wave 10
  7. when its wave 10 spam lvl 2 jeeps until the tank is dead
  8. keep upgrading your solar panels and placing/upgrading more jeeps
  9. you don't need to buy other towers, all you need is 3 towers (cannoneer[for the beginning]solar panels[for income]jeeps[for late game DPS])
  10. when it's wave 20, sell your solar panels and get lvl 5 jeeps(max lvl)
  11. get enough max lvl jeeps until the boss is dead
  12. that's how you do it back then